Lance Xianyi Liang

Researcher & Developer

Welcome to my website👋

I am a Ph.D. in physiology. A Traslational Researcher in Health Science. A Full Stack Developer.

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Skills & Qualifications

Website development

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I have experience designing and building various web applications such as static websites, dynamic websites, and single-page applications (SPAs) using JavaScriptlibrary React.js with Redux, and building full stack websites with Next.js orAstro. I have worked withFigma,Css,Sass andTailwind.css, to create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces.

Buiding Fullstack Webapp

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I am proficient in building full-stack applications using Next.jsand backend technologies such as Firebase or Mongodb . I have experience building server-side web apps and apis using Express.js , and I understand the fundamental principles of building scalable, maintainable, and performant full-stack applications.

Data Science

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I have experience in data analysis using Python and the R. I am proficient in data wrangling, cleaning, and visualization techniques using libraries such as matplotlib/seaborn, numpy, pandas, tidyverse, and tableau. I have experience performing NLP using SpaCy. I have experience building machine learning models using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.


As a self-taught developer, most of the projects you will find here are the result of my learning experiences, tutorials, and mockups. However, I am excited to share that I am now starting to build real-world projects that I hope real users can benefit from. These projects will be showcased here soon after they are completed. As a passionate and motivated learner, I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to enhance my skills and knowledge in web development. I believe that every project I undertake is an opportunity to learn and grow.


Code Collider

A Blue Ocean project for Hack Reactor. A team project buiding a website for developers to cooperate, share and mentor dev projects.

Innovo Labs Consulting
A website I build for a consulting startup using A mult-page static website with 99 Lighthouse Performance score.

Toyproblem Overflow

A minimal viable product for Hack Reactor that built in 2 days. A website for users to post, solve and share coding problems.

Frontend Mentor

My Frontend Mentor portfolio showing my front-end skills practice. All built on my own based on design specificities

Lamazon Ecommerce

A mockup e-commerce project buiding with Next.js, Prisma. Mongodb and Next Auth. Support anonymous cart using cookies.

IMDb Clone

A practising clone project. Building IMBd clone using Next.js 13, tailwind css and TMDB api

Crown Online Shoping

A learning project from React Developer in 2023. Designed by Yihua Zhang from Zero To Mastery.

React Meals

A learning project from React - The Complete Guide. Designed by Maximilian Schwarzmüller.

Chronic Pain Tracker

Buiding a web-app tracking chronic pain of user with Next.js and supabase. Practising Next 13 app route.

Data Science Notebooks

Welcome to my Data Science portfolio, featuring a compilation of Jupyter notebooks from my slef studies and Kaggle projects. This space is a testament to my learning journey and practical application of various data science methodologies. It's a growing repository, regularly updated with new insights as I continue to hone my skills. Thanks for stopping by!

Transfer Learning to Classify Different Dog Breeds

This project is a milestone project of Complete Machine Learning & Data Science Bootcamp inspired by the Kaggle project Dog Breed Identification. The learning purpose is to building image classification models with transfer learning and TensorFlow Hub.

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Infected Blood Cell Detector

This project is a practice project of Complete Tensorflow 2 and Keras Deep Learning Bootcamp by Pierian Data. The project uses TensorFlow Keras to build a CNN model to predict if the red blood cell is infected by malaria based on Giemsa-stained thick blood smear slides. The Dataset is taken from the NIH Website.

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Ensemble Models for Churn Classification

This is a milestone project of Pierian Data's Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass. The project do exploratory analysis and follow by using different tree-base models to perform classification tasks, and compare the perfomance.

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Blue Book for Bulldozers

This project is a milestone project of Complete Machine Learning & Data Science Bootcamp inspired by the Kaggle project Blue Book for Bulldozers. The learning purpose is to building regression models with time series data, as well as learning more ways of data cleaning and feature engineering.

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Linear Regression Project

This is a milestone project of Pierian Data's Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass. In this project, I am going to clean the dataset, handling missing data, perform feature engineering, and finally build a linear regression machine learning model

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Data Analysis Capstone Prject: Fandango

This is a milestone project of online cousrse by Pierian Data Inc. The project is for practising pandas, numpy, and seaborn library. Beyond the capstone deliverable, I also perform statistical analysis using pingouin library to test significance.

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